Greenstar was founded in 2001 to rid the world or inconvenient door closers. With nearly 10 million closers sold, we have made a solid dent. But yet, there is still work to be done. Until every storm, screen, and security door in the world is brandishing the luxuriousness of a smooth-closing Touch ‘n Hold, we will not rest. Until the old “sliding metal hold open washer thingy” is a distant memory, and backs and fingers everywhere can rejoice, we will be at the helm.

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A special note of appreciation for the two hardest working members of the Touch ‘n Hold team:

Support Team- Security

Greenstar Headquarters Security Detail

This day and age requires corporations to take a hard & fast look at the security of their premises. Greenstar is fortunate to employ two of the top security guards in the world.

Studer - Greenstar Headquarters Security Detail .: Greenstar Team

Ella & Studer patrol the grounds of Greenstar headquarters like Special Ops Commandos.  Stealth like, they hide in the bushes, dig foxholes, and string their leash lines about like trip wire. These two have the Greenstar grounds on lockdown (despite occasionally getting distracted by squeaky toys and squirrels).  If you have a meeting at Greenstar, a treat is suggested or you may not be on the list.  When Ella was asked about her philosophy on security detail, she simply sat down and gave a paw.